We apply the following processes imposed by the international quality standards when selecting our donors.
<\/strong>General selection and evaluation<\/strong>
In egg donation treatment, the candidates that will make egg donation (donor) are first evaluated in terms of ensuring high pregnancy success in the treatment. The second stage is passed due to the provision of the criteria such as the lack of any general health problems \/ complaint \/ bad habits, the presence of a balanced spiritual nature, being able to comply with the instructions given to her during treatment.
Medical examination and evaluation<\/strong>
At Egg Donation Center, the reproductive health of our potential egg donors is of great importance, therefore we carry out rigorous testing to ensure that there are no issues such cysts, uterine fibroids, or polyps that may adversely hinder the treatment process. They are also tested for general systemic disorders.
Examination in terms of sexually transmitted infectious diseases and serological examination<\/strong>
As stated in international practice guidelines as well as guidelines from our Ministry of Health all potential egg donors are tested for blood borne or sexually transmitted diseases. These tests are carried out within our centre before the donor is accepted by us.
Genetic examination (routine examination \/ advanced examinations)<\/strong>
At this stage our potential egg donors are subject to general routine tests such as Karytope analysis, Cystic Fibrosis, Thalassemia etc. It is with these tests that we can check for any defects in chromosomes or genes that may be transferred to the baby. If you wish for your donor to have an extensive screening of over 230 genetic diseases then this can be performed through the recombine blood test at our clinic.
Evaluation according to the physical \/ mental \/ educational etc. features<\/strong>
A candidate that successfully passed the examinations and tests stated above, and evaluated as suitable for the treatment is questioned in detail at this stage and evaluated in terms of certain physical (height, weight, hair colour, eye colour, body type, sporting activities, etc.), mental (active, outward oriented, curious, excited, positive, hobbies, etc.), educational status (college \/ graduate education completed, etc.) and similar criteria. Each of the parameters in question at this stage is listed so that it can be screened in accordance with the recipient\u2019s request.
Special requests (if any) specified by the recipient<\/strong>
* All egg donors are examined in detail and are evaluated for suitability by a psychologist. Our donors give a written statement that they donate their eggs, and are informed about the drugs they will use and the procedures that will be performed. The information of the donor and family is kept confidential in the egg donation procedure.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t <\/div>\r\n <\/div>\r\n \t\t\t<\/div>\r\n\t\t<\/section>\r\n\t\t\t\t